Where does love go when forever dies? Two star-crossed lovers trapped in a kingdom of shadows fight to keep their love alive as they gradually fall in hate.
The Golden Dog
Follows the fortunes of a pair of jackals as they raise a new litter pups on the African plains.
The Cheetah Family
A three act natural history film about multiple generations of cheetahs’ struggling to survive in the Serengeti.
Roald Dahl – The Swan
Fifteen-year-old Ray steals his father’s rifle to use this to, together with his best friend Dennis, terrorize their class mate Peter. They let off their frustrations on him and become increasingly cruel.
Paul & Vicky
As neither Paul nor Vicky made any real life choices, things never work out between them. Will it remain that way, or is a change coming?
Dokter Deen TV
The series ‘Doctor Deen’ is set on the Wadden island of Vlieland and revolves around physician Maria Deen, who, in addition to her work as a doctor, means much more to the inhabitants of the island.
Just imagine… Teen moms becoming urban farmers. Utopia? Not in Detroit. Nature is taking over the city and the new generation is taught to harvest its profit.
Een klasse apart
An intellectual disability can often not be seen by anyone at the latest. This documentary follows children developing behavioral disorders.
Playing in Savage Paradise
From the unusual to the common, life in the Serengeti is portrayed with spectacular footage of birth, play, pursuit and defeat, all creating an intimate view of the animals living in the Serengeti.
A Lioness Tale
A lioness faces an unimaginable dilemma, she must hunt, yet she dare not leave her cubs unprotected against two males out to kill.
The Golden Dog
Follows the fortunes of a pair of jackals as they raise a new litter pups on the African plains.
The Cheetah Family
A three act natural history film about multiple generations of cheetahs’ struggling to survive in the Serengeti.
Nuon seintje
TVC for the Dutch market | Piano and orchestral track. Composed by Pieter Straatman.
Produced @ Lab-3.
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McDonalds Grand Royal
TVC for the Dutch market | Original composed Barok track with live orchestration and delicate barok violins.
Composed by Pieter Straatman
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Sourcy Vitamin Water
TVC for the Dutch market | Musical sounddesign in the first part of the commercial made by Pieter Straatman. Second part contains the song ‘Something in the Water’ by Brooke Fraser.
Produced @ Lab-3.
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Samsung LaFleur
TVC for the Russian market | Lounge music composition with a strong feminin sound.
Composed by Pieter Straatman
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Sourcy Vitamin Water
TVC for the Dutch market | Musical sounddesign in the first part of the commercial made by Pieter Straatman. Second part contains the song ‘Something in the Water’ by Brooke Fraser.